Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Spoiled chicken

The girls have been treated to sleeping in the front porch temporarily while we raccoon proof their coop. They go back out as soon as the cock crows (so to speak) and stay out until it starts getting dark.

Have we spoiled them?  I am beginning to think that they think they own this place.

Tonight, at dusk, they were at the back door, not just squawking, but trying to fly through the window--luckily there is a screen, although Bel has pushed her way through on of the screens on the porch to let herself out in the morning and then stands out there squawking and get Cleo worked up.

They may have bird brains but these chicks have me trained well. Of course I brought them to their roost in the porch. This will have to stop or I'll be in the chicken coop next!    


Anonymous said...

If they are sleeping on your porch, you are living in a chicken coop!

kluks said...

not yet but if they start coming in the house themselves I may!