Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chickens are your American duty

Don't underestimate the value of your pets. Voting and paying taxes is not enough to fulfill your patriotic duties. Uncle Sam says: 'Raise chickens!'

Really, I am proud to be an American.


Kathy Berken said...

Yes, Patti, Chickens are your American duty. I am a chicken farmer's daughter. Well, ok, for five years, that is. But I learned every skill necessary to get you from the baby chicks to the frying pan. Of course that was 50 years ago, but I bet I could pick it up in no time.
Have fun, and keep those ear plugs in. Those critters are noisy!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha,
well these two chickens aren't as noisy as the crows in the neighborhood! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

It's it funny how saving and sustaining were patriotic, but now we're told spending is our duty! Good for you on getting back to the right way Patti!! ~Tegan

Fresca said...

Hahahaha! This is wonderful! You should get a Congressional medal or something!

Your blog is a delight--like you.
Good luck with the chickies.
Please invite me over for omelettes one day. (Does everyone say that?)