Monday, July 26, 2010

And now a word from our sponsors:

Chicken talk
"okay,okay, i think she's coming, cluckcluck"
"no cleo, that's not her, that one doesnt have the red toes"
"o, i thought it was her but it's one of those roosters shes got in her coop. he's just pinning more colored wind catchers on that high perch thats way too thin to hold on to. they drip when you walk under them you know, buak."
"yeah bauk, he wont let us out, oh and he let that four legged one out again, bauk"
"o wait bel, shes coming, ill get her attention...buaaaaaak buaaaaak,that always gets her. i think she feels sorry for us when i do that, buaaaaak... ooo here she comes, cluck cluck cluck"
"cluckcluck , its so exciting, shes coming over here, ooo she stopped, shes pulling out more of that greenage"
"buaaaaak, buaaaaak, there now shes coming"
"yeah, she sure does react when you howl like that cleo"
"it worked, quick run out the gate before she changes her mind cluckcluck."
"ok cleo were out. wait, what she doing, shes getting our dish,   !!SHES GOING TO FEED US!!!"
"shoot bel, i wanted to play tag, but food and theres corn too, o well, maybe shell let us out later, cluckcluckbuak.

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